Sunday, August 16, 2009

Revenant sketches

Long time since my last post... Been pretty tired as of late, and the only real time I have to draw anything is on my commute to work. I'll whip out the moleskine and try to draw as best as I can on the shaky train. Sometimes I get pretty into it and the 45 minute ride goes by fast. Other times I'll be too tired and just sleep, haha. Most of the drawings in the sketchbook are Regina related. And that brings me to another point. I think I have a name for my comic/movie/whatever the hell it is. It's still tentative, but Revenant, will do for now. I'll try to refer to it using that name instead of calling it "Regina's story" all the time. Here are the sketches, hope ya like.

Jamie and Rudy

Regina enjoying a cig

She will probably finish that bottle before heading off, haha

About to let loose

Welp, that's it for now. I've been getting immeasurably irked by the amount of vampire related movies that have been coming out/getting announced. It really saddens me to think that Revenant could get bogged down in all the other vampire movies out there. But now that I think about it, it's not like it will be finished any time soon. If it ever does get released in any form, it will probably be a looong time from now. So here's to hoping that by then, this gay vampire craze will have died down.


p.s.- I watched District 9 today and could not hold my excitement leaving the theater. WATCH IT. MANY TIMES.